Saturday, July 18, 2015

9 great reasons to get married

When a couple is in love, and contrary to what happened in the good old days, they do not always decide to get married. Many couples are just as happy moving in and living together, without the formal commitment. Marriage, however, is a bit more than just sharing the same roof, it’s a promise with greater meaning that is shared by two people. If you’re undecided or unsure about tying the knot, here are 9 great reasons to get married.

7 foods you should avoid eating before the wedding

After all the time, money and effort you’ve invested on your wedding day, the last thing you need is to feel sick, have a stomach ache, feel bloated, gassy and with zero energy. The nervousness and all the other big emotions that are felt on this day are already so overwhelming that you don’t need added problems, mainly those provoked by something you ate or drank. In order to feel your very best on your wedding day, avoid eating these 7 foods!

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Ada Yang Minat??


Guess Who????

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